Saturday, February 25, 2006

Graduation C2W Bali

Yesterday 23 students graduated from the first Call2Worship in Indonesia. 
We had a wonderful "Praise Party" together that lasted 2,5 hours with students sharing new songs they have written, cultural and creative expressions of praise to God.  I wish you could have been there. 
In the morning session the students were divided into their people groups (Sumatra, Sulawesi, Timor, Iryan Jaya, Maluku, and Java) and we prayed and declared release of worship to God from those nations.  Afterwards all the Indonesians held hands in a large circle to declare their unity and need of one another to call their country to worship. It was powerful to us and more powerful in the heavens as we prayed God's kingdom-come and will be done in Indonesia as it is in heaven.
At the end of the Praise Party we had to say goodbyes to so many who have become so dear to us.  Tears, smiles, exchanging email addresses, and taking photos until the last students left.  Many of us in the staff team hope to return to Indonesia when the Lord opens the door.
Now we are staying for a couple nights in a resort hotel not too far from the airport.  We are grateful for this little respite after an intensive 2 weeks and we leave for Holland on Monday.
As for me, I am finishing my anti-biotic treatment for the amoeba parasite today and need to get a blood test tomorrow to see if my system is clear.  Each day I am gaining strength and that is so encouraging.  During the long last day of class I could carry on after a brief rest at lunch time.... but of course I was really exhausted by the end of the day.  I'm so grateful for this nice room at the resort with airconditioning, sit-down toilet, shower, even a TV!  The stay at the YWAM base was great and we enjoyed the fellowship and care of the staff there (who had given up their own rooms for us, even the base leader!).  However, the pit toilets and lack of running water were a big adjustment. 
The past few days I haven't been able to connect to the internet because the phone at the base was temporarily disconnected.  I'm sending this now via the hotel reception.
Thank you to all who have prayed for this trip.  We each have many personal stories and hundreds of photos of our time here in Indonesia.
For me the most special gift of all is to really see Indonesian worship leaders catch the vision of the power of releasing praise and worship in their nation.  This gives great glory to God!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done, team! Thanks for your faithfulness in growing God's presence and Kingdom in Indonesia -eternal investment. Love, Terry