Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Frosty Northern Ireland

Terry and I arrived here in Northern Ireland on Saturday - She is teaching on Fund-raising for the YWAM staff and I am teaching on Worship for the DTS students. It's great to travel and minister together with one of my very best friends.
On Sunday morning we attended Drumgooland Presbyterian Church and enjoyed their liturgy and hymns coated in the delightful Irish accent. Then we went to the coastal town of Newcastle to explore their shops along the Irish Sea. I'm fairly comfortable driving on the left now, after my many visits here, so we could follow our own noses, stopping here and there to take photos.
Yesterday the lectures began and I'm totally enjoying a wonderful group of young students who are hungry for God and passionate about serving Him. They are leaving soon to go on an evangelistic outreach to South Africa.
Thank you for your prayers and love!