Sunday, March 30, 2008

Blessings from Egypt

Wonderful Egyptian friends wished us safe travels as we left the YWAM compound to return to Holland on Friday. We had just finished the morning with a very moving worship time together before an altar the students had constructed. It was there that we realized afresh that worship is much more than singing songs - it was giving our hearts to God, giving Him the highest place.
Two young men showed their love for God by washing everyone's feet as an act of worship. Others placed photos of loved ones, poems and promises on the altar. Every gift, as every heart, was unique.
Please pray for the school as they prepare to go on outreach to Syria and possibly Kuwait in about 2 weeks. They need a miracle of provision to pay off their school fees and outreach costs.
Carolyn and I were able to bring financial donations from friends around the world which certainly helped their situation. More than that was the deep blessing they received to know that the Body of Christ around the world cared enough to give - that really touched them. They have been fasting and praying for a few weeks now (until sundown each day) to see the finances come in. I'm looking forward to hear of yet another miracle in the Egyptian desert!
They have already asked me to return for their next SOW in 2009 and I eagerly said "yes!".
Many thanks for all the prayer and financial support given to me which made this trip possible.
To God be the glory,

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Egyptian worship leaders

It's lovely to be here in Egypt again, with a new group of young, hungry worship leaders from all over Egypt. This is my 3rd day here and though it's a 30 degree temperature difference from Holland, I'm loving it.
My ministry partner this trip, Carolyn, is being the blessing I knew she would be - both to me and the students.
Thank you for your prayers... more later!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

So you wanna go back to Egypt?

Yes, I wanna go back to Egypt!
After my trip there last year to give a Call2Worship course, I've been hoping they'd ask me back to teach in their School of Worship. So, when that email came I eagerly accepted.
Since then I've been wondering if I should travel there alone or who I should ask to come with me. At the Women's Aglow conference last weekend I sat next to a friend, Carolyn, who is also one of the European leaders of Aglow and I know she has a heart for the Middle East. I felt an inner nudging (the Holy Spirit urging me into action) and so I obeyed and asked her if she'd like to come along with me on a ministry trip to Egypt. Carolyn chuckled but then looked me straight in the eye and said, "You're not kidding, are you?!" Amazingly, a couple days later she rang me up and said "YES!"
A flurry of activity has followed, with Carolyn needing a new passport, some vaccinations, and got a reservation on the same flights with me.
We will fly to Cairo on Easter Sunday and spend the week at the YWAM base out in the desert a couple hours NW from Cairo, teaching a dozen hungry Egyptian worship leaders.
The theme of this school is appropriate "Let my people go so that they may worship Me" - the command the Lord gave to Pharoah thousands of years ago. We will be teaching on cross-cultural/Biblical worship, songwriting and leadership.
Please pray that we will speak to their hearts, have good discipleship times and inspire them to reach their nation, calling them to worship God!
If you'd like to send a donation to sponsor one of the students or to help out with my travel expenses, please either go to my website to access the PayPal link or I'll try to paste one in here.
In any case - PRAY!
Thanks and blessings, Belinda

click on the PayPal button to send a donation securely with your credit card

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Aglow with the Spirit of God

This weekend is the annual English-speaking European Women's Aglow conference. This is something I lead worship at each year and I thoroughly LOVE IT! It's wonderful to be in an atmosphere of women who are passionately loving God and one another. It's a joy as a worship leader to open the door to some amazing times of meeting with God.
My dear friend, Terry always joins me in this ministry and it's like taking a retreat together each year, surrounded by friends from many nations. The speakers are always inspiring, especially the Sunday morning messages by the leader of it all: Dianne deJong. She serves up nuggets of truth on a plate of joy in unique and creative ways.
One main prayer request I have:
I have often become ill with various weird and not-nice sicknesses or maladies during this conference. I honestly think this is the enemy trying to hinder the work of God among these ladies. PLEASE PRAY that I will be physically healthy and strong in body so I can minister as the worship leader during this conference.
Wish you could join us, too!