Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Room with a view

My window looks over the compound wall where, in the distance I watch a bedouin and his flock of sheep and goats each day. The land is unforgiving, rocky and dry with an occasional palm growing.

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing... He leads me..."

Today we taught the class about writing songs in their own language, how to study the Bible and introduced music theory... a lot for them to chew on while they're participating in the weekly fasting day at the base.
The nights are cold enough to see your breath while the sun can burn you at midday.
Nestor, Johnny and I are meeting each morning to pray, and a couple times each day we find one another to connect and share our experiences. I'm so thankful for these men of God, so intent upon seeing God move in hearts and willing to abandon the program to follow the Spirit.

Your prayers for me, for us are cherished!
Blessings, Belinda

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