Sunday, March 22, 2009


I know for a fact that there is a fair percentage of people out there who detest this word: change.
Yet, I am one of those few who love it, need it and welcome it's knock on my door.

So, I had a month fully planned and now it is, by my standards, nearly empty of plans.

April brings Easter - a time of reflection on Christ's suffering, crucifixtion and death.

Turning around in GREAT CHANGE inside 3 short days of hopelessness to GREAT JOY, knowing Christ was resurrected from the dead!

Ancient history and amazing current Truth.

It changed EVERYTHING that Christ rose from the dead.

He defeated death
He defeated the foe
He redeemed what and who was lost
He paid a price for me
He made the way clear to come

To come to God
To receive forgiveness
To know God's love
To know God

Welcome change!

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