Sunday, March 01, 2009

Eternal Difference

This past week I flew down to Egypt together with a friend, Didi, to teach on worship. It cost a good chunk of money and a good amount of time and effort to travel all the way into the desert, but it was so worth every penny and every minute.

Wednesday morning we had a worship time by gathering in a hand-made sanctuary... a corner in the classroom that the students had prepared to meet with the Lord. It was decorated by thick, colorful bedouin tarps and, in one corner, an altar of mortar blocks covered with palm branches and a wooden cross.
Each person was instructed to ask the Lord what they should give to Him or to one another.
I had asked the Lord that morning what to bring and felt I should basically empty my purse of money (Egyptian pounds, Euros and Dollars), and to bring a few of my blouses to give. As each student shared and gave their offerings, I knew who should receive my gift. I gave it to R... a young man who was a new Christian. Didi also felt led to give a financial gift to him. The giving and praying and worshipping went on all morning. It was a memorable blessing to witness such sacrificial and heartfelt gifts - to God and one another.

Just before I left the compound R. came and told me:

"Before our sanctuary time I was considering returning to my life of alcohol, smoking, rock music, etc... but I decided I'd give God one last chance - that's why I offered what I did on the altar to God (he basically put all his money, his music and his life on the altar).
When we met with God in that sanctuary and you gave me that money it confirmed to me that God saw me. Now I know that God is real! I will never turn away from Him and I want to serve Him with my life."

Next week, when the school ends, R. will return to Dubai to serve the Lord with his life and music. I hope to put him in touch with some other friends who are hoping to start a worship seminar in that country.

What an honor it is to serve God in this way.I just had to share this testimony with you. Of course, there are many more testimonies of what God did and is still doing there in the desert of Egypt. Our young brothers and sisters are not able to worship freely in Egypt - there is much persecution in that country as in all middle eastern lands - but the moments we had together in that simple sanctuary have made an eternal difference in their hearts and lives. And now they return to their homes and countries, forever touched by God's presence and His Word and they will call their peoples to worship God.

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