Thursday, May 10, 2007

Helping hands

So, I'm here in Minneapolis, taking care of mom and just loving being with her. I took a picture of her hands and feet which are increasingly crippled from arthritis. This morning I helped her by filling her pill containers with small pills (and big ones) that she can't pick up because she's lost so much dexterity. In little activities like this we sit and chat while we're sorting everything. I'm her hands, she's still "the mom" and counsels me, instructs me in life. I'm 51, she's almost 76...
Since I've been home her pain levels have decreased and she's been able to sleep all night long a couple times. I'm praying for this to continue!
I love my mom!


mamessage said...

Dear Belinda, your love & care for your dear mom touched my heart. Keep the good works. We'll be praying for you & for your family!

Anonymous said...

Hey Belinda, I'm praying along with you for better nights sleep and less pain etc. Muchly blessings, love and prayers. :-)