Tuesday, May 01, 2007

All the bags are packed...

Yes, we're ready to go!
Lots of activity around my Holland house on Blueberry street as I've been preparing to leave for the coming months.
A couple days ago I went around to my neighbors and explained that I'd be going for a while to care for my mom. Wishing me well they also assured me they'd keep an eye on my place - what a blessing to have this kind of relationship with my neighbors.
My dear friends, Marcia, Hilde and Terry will water plants, mow the lawn, check the mail and even help introduce the house to the person coming in to rent. This person hasn't materialized yet, but I still believe this will happen.
My Dutch ID card has not come through but their office assured me it would be no problem to pick it up when I return later this year. Whew! These situations are increasingly complicated in a world of turmoil, and I certainly don't take it for granted. Thank you for praying.
Yesterday, as I was packing up the last bits, the doorbell rang and I had surprise visitors from Australia! Sace and his daughter, AnneElise (all grown up!) came by. Sace and his wife, Anthea, used to work with me in the worship ministry at Heidebeek 11 years ago and I haven't seen them since. How wonderful to spend a couple hours with them! I was overjoyed at God's goodness!
Now, Honey and I are ready to roll this afternoon on our flight to Minneapolis and to the waiting arms of my dear family.
We'll be in touch! Blessings, Belinda and "Honey" in transit

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