Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Yes, yes... it's been a good while since I've blogged here. That comes from not travelling as much as "usual"... because, as you will remember, this blog is for my travels.
So, I'm here in Northern Ireland... the weather is really nasty - kind of like the clouds have a horrible flu and you just want to stay inside to avoid the wet sneezes. Okay - that's far too descriptive, but it really is what it feels like out there.
This photo here is not of Eire, it's the beautiful beech trees of the nearby forest in Holland. They're grand old guardians of the forest and emit such a peace that you can very nearly imagine you've taken a turn into a fairy tale.
Back to the emerald isle... I'm teaching in the YWAM DTS here in Closkelt. I'm teaching on Spiritual Warfare and Intercession to 24 wonderful, hungry young Christians. Just love it!
The internet connection is not too stable so I've got to go for now.
Thanks for checking in to see if I'm still alive and writing anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, je ziet er goed uit.Wat een mooie acthergrond. Waar heb je de foto gemmaakt. Blessing <><