Saturday, December 23, 2006

I'll be home for Christmas

Christmas greetings!

Arrived in Minneapolis some 12 hours ago amid snow flurries. Ah, the promise of a white Christmas!
Managed to stay awake and fairly coherent until 8p.m. (3 a.m. Dutch time) and then collapsed into my bed.

Since then I've been up 3 times - not with jet lag, but because mom has woken up crying from the pain in her arthritic hands. I get a taste of my younger sister's daily and nocturnal routine as I respond to mom's cries. I wrap hot cloths around her hands and then position myself behind her back so I can support and cradle her as she cries. Slowly rocking back and forth I pray for her and then begin softly singing Christmas carols. Her tears and sobbing subside as she leans heavier and heavier into me like a small trusting child. The pains retreat into their dark caves and mom wants to try to sleep again. I unwrap myself from around her and help her lay down, adjusting her pillow and blanket. With a kiss on her forehead she slips into sleep for another 45 minutes, and we repeat it all again. I've just turned out her light for the 3rd time. It's 4 a.m. I'm awake and wonder if I should try to sleep some more.
I'm so glad to be home for Christmas!

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