Monday, March 06, 2006

Misty Irish Morn

Amazingly, I am in yet another country - that's 4 in the past week: Indonesia, China, Holland and now Northern Ireland. Sounds like a 'glamorous' life, being a missionary, doesn't it? I guess I never see it that way but I feel deeply privileged to serve the Lord in different nations like this.
Of course, right now I am also aware of the toll it takes on my body, which is still weak from amoebic dysentery, a 20+ hour journey across the world, and a nagging cold. I seriously considered just staying home in Holland and not taking the trip here, but as I prayed about it I felt a strong peace about coming. This goes beyond my own tenacity and I believe I'm journeying in His grace.
I'm still jetlagging a bit... fell asleep at 19.30 (7.30 p.m.) last evening and woke up several times in the night, finally getting up around 6.00 and enjoying some tea and breakfast. I'm looking out the window of the guest cottage here at the Closkelt YWAM base and I see the Northumberland mountains, which are near the southeastern coast. They're dusted with snow like pastry and pink-grey clouds grace their peaks with the sun rays peaking through. Lovely to see it and glad I'm inside on a nice, warm sofa to enjoy it.
Normally I take someone along with me on ministry trips. It's a great opportunity for them to stretch their wings in ministry and usually very nice company for me. However, a couple months ago already I felt I should come alone on this trip so that in the afternoons and evenings I could have some communion time with the Lord. What a wonderful place to enjoy just that! I've been coming to N.Ireland for about 10 years now and have some friends here that I truly appreciate. So, I get to exercize my gift of teaching and receive God's gifts of His presence, refreshing and special fellowship. Life is good!
Please continue to pray for my bodily strength to increase. I'm able to get extra rest here, which should help considerably. Also pray with me that this cold would leave! Today I will phone my doctor in Holland to find out the results of my blood test I took last week.
I'm so thankful for your prayers and care!
Love, Belinda

p.s. please also pray for Guusje Kartutu as she's been quite ill since returning from Bali. Ben is also recuperating from gout (jicht) and a painful knee.

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