Tuesday, June 14, 2011

True Worship

One of the students in the School of Worship is a friend of mine, Jessica.  She used to be on staff at YWAM Heidebeek about 10 years ago and we've stayed in touch since then.
Jessica was born with a hole in her heart and at a very young age she had surgery but in the recovery time there was a mistake about her oxygen and because of that she became handicapped with cerebral palsey.  Her body doesn't always work the way she wants it to but her spirit is more alive than most.

I want to tell you about a wonderful thing Jessica did today. I am still blessed as I write this to you.  Jessica is my friend and she really proved it today in a big way.  Jessica is also a source of inspiration and truth to our class (and many others) and she stood up today and showed us that.

The situation:
I had invited every one of the students (and staff) to come to my house on Sunday evening for snacks and a movie.  I asked people on Friday (one by one): can you come?  And each person said "yes". 
But Sunday evening no one showed up!  That was really hard on my heart and, of course, I cried.  I forgave everyone but I really didn't know what to do about it so I was praying.

On Monday I went to Ikea to get some things, meet my goddaughter for koffie, etc. and I invited Jessica and Hyejin to come along.  We had a nice chat in the car, nice time at Ikea, etc.  Both of them asked me to forgive them for not coming to the party and we talked about it a bit.  We had a nice afternoon together.

So, this morning it was Jessica's turn to give a devotion in the School of Worship;  I had no idea what she would share..  She shared this (she had her computer read it to us):

Do unto others what you would have them do to you. 

If somebody invited  you to a party,   And you said yes,   you will be there,  you should be there, now I am just as guilty as  you are,   think about it. Put yourself in their place,    you prepared some goodies and snacks and things.  Then you waited and waited for your friends to show up and nobody came nobody called you on the phone, to say they’re sorry they will not be there.  you wanted them to come and see where you lived,    And you waited for one hour and nobody came,   how would that make you feel?        That is a sad very hurtful thing to do to a person,  

We did it to Belinda,    I thought about it afterwards and I wish I would have gone to her house and seen what she puts on what kind of snacks she put out,   and the movie we were going to see.     but I and just as guilty as you are,    because I did not say "we  should go and see  Belinda",   but I was  to  busy with my journal that I did not think about my friend who was having a party and nobody showed up.  

if it were me I don’t think I could handle to have another party that nobody shows up for,   that is very hurtful and rude -  not a nice thing to do to a person like Belinda.   Belinda - she is a very kind and nice person, giving of her time to us, teaching us to be who God created us to be and living  a life that God wants her to live. She is very honest  and loving and kind and a good person.

I feel like we took advantage of her because we said we would be there,   but we did not show up.  It is normal to feel guilty because we did not show up; I think we should feel guilty -  that’s what makes us human beings,

I am so grateful to have Belinda as my leader,   we have a lot to learn from Belinda.

This is not the way to treat people,   what we did to her was very wrong, 

We should all write a note to Belinda, saying how sorry we are because it is the right thing to do.  We are living and learning every day how to be good people, not bad people.   I hope we have learned our lesson,  to not do that again.      

And remember it is not all about you,   all the time,   it is about other people and God.    Jesus loves us all I know you all know that.    
I hope you know that I love you guys.   

This letter took me two hours to write,  big hugs from Jessica

Then she asked everyone in the class to write on a piece of paper what they felt and to give it to me.  I was so touched!  Jessica's courageous heart, her friendship and taking her place as the senior member in our school is something I will never forget.  She led us all in a time of repentance and reconciliation - something that is beyond the reach of many ministers.
The class wrote such wonderful notes, came and gave me hugs, asking forgiveness and speaking words of love.  It was amazing!

I know that Jessica will continue to lead us all in worship with her honest heart of love.
I just wanted to let you know how proud I am to be her friend and her school leader!!!

1 comment:

Corrie P said...

Such a special person Jessica and so do you Belinda