Saturday, August 21, 2010

Voice for the Voiceless

Aisha,a young woman punished by men who cut off her nose and ears.   

I'm praying through the Voice for the Voiceless 30 day prayer booklet.
I'm sad, I'm angry, I'm praying, I'm more informed, I'm praying....

A few years ago, I was asked the question, "What will be the greatest global challenge as we enter the 21st Century?" You may think of war, terrorism, famine, AIDS and a number of other colossal needs, which all surely qualify. But among the most serious issues is gender injustice – the abuse and suppression of women. Why? Because it is the biggest, most far reaching, and most hidden.
The Church needs to take a stand, the Church needs to raise its voice, the Church needs to pray and act, because God's heart breaks over gender injustice."
- Loren Cunningham

In our fast-paced, digital world, myriads of voices clamor for our attention. Advertising slogans seduce us into buying the latest gimmick. Politicians paint pictures of prosperity for our vote. Hollywood hypnotizes us with escapism.
The infrastructure of our information age is communication technology and our rulers those who make their voice successfully heard. However, despite our increasing sophistication, we grow ever more deaf to those who cannot make a profit from their voice. Even if we listen, often all we hear is a whimper. A cry or moan, Do we really hear them?
Who are these voiceless?
They are women. Around the Horn of Africa, 130 million women suffer the devastating effects of female circumcision. The practice is performed on pre-teen girls. Circumcision mutilates these girls for life and robs them of the joy of womanhood. Their wedding night becomes torture to be endured. Child bearing can be fatal.
They are children. Every year according to UNICEF, more than 1 million children enter the oldest trade in the world, prostitution. From the age of three, people rape and abuse them to break their wills. They are forced to prostitute their innocence to pay off debt to their owners and other commodities like rent, food and clothing. They are refugees. War and genocide displace millions of people. Take the Saharawi for example. 27 Years ago they were ejected from their homeland for the minerals and fisheries. For 27 years they have lived outcast and alone. For 27 years they have cried for justice, yet the vast expanse of the hostile Sahara mutes their cry.
Look into their eyes. Hear them speak. Although the media does not hear them, God listens to their voice. His heart cries out for the brokenhearted. Will we stand with Him? Will we act with Him? Will we speak for those who have no voice? If we respond yes, then one day these people will gain their voice
Voice for the Voiceless 30day prayer booklet by Paul&Susi Childers, YWAM

The global abuse and suppression of women must stop. We must pray and act!,32068,294175100001_2007267,00.html

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