Sunday, May 30, 2010

School of Worship harvest in Nepal

School of Worship outreach report from Nepal

There is inspiring and amazing good news from the School of Worship from Chennai, India who are on outreach in Nepal right now.  Many of the SOW students are in their late teens and early twenties.  Read what the SOW leader wrote just a few days ago; it's mind-blowing what God has done.

"The Lord has poured out His heart and His love-pain for souls - we cried out for Nepal for 4 hours non-stop last night, couldn’t stop the meeting, went on till 12 midnight. This is no hype; truly the power of God. I can’t express it with my limited words - the atmosphere was like Isaiah 6 with young and old crying for the lost was very powerful. We had more than 40 Nepalis committing their lives for missions at midnight, crying out to the Lord saying, Here I am Lord, send me!
Truly, the harvest is plenty, the workers are few. Pray that the Lord will send out more harvesters into Nepal.  I talked to our SOW team this morning and said that if this continues, in 5 or10 years time the Nepalis will be everywhere! They may overtake India in terms of missions.  Nepal is the highest place in all the world.The spirit of God  fell on us like the rain and is going to fall on this nation and spread down to all the earth  The students are overwhelmed.
The base leaders are so excited... a lot of other missionaries were also there - from U.S., Australia, Philippines, Ireland, and Canada.  These missionaries have been serving here for the past 20 years as doctors, engineers, etc. Some native missionaries were also there. It was like God bringing all the churches and missionaries togather for His purpose and everyone was amazed."

Another team working in Chennai, India has also seen a major move of God . Here is their report:

"Three hundred people came to the Lord in a conference they prepared for.  Twenty of those people were on the verge of committing suicide and gave their lives to the Lord instead.  Many people who were demon-possessed were delivered during the worship times under the power of the Holy Spirit. Fifty of these people are now being discipled in the church.  
Last year this church had the same conference and they saw only one person come to the Lord.  This is the first time our team has worked in this area and with this particular church."

Please continue to pray for our teams.  We have seen such a major breakthrough on outreach this time that we felt it would encourage each of you.

- YWAM Beach Center, Chennai, India

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