Saturday, November 07, 2009

SOW DNA and more

This is a group photo of the first regional SOW DNA gathering in Heerde, Holland. Left to right: Stephane (Switz-Fr), Belinda (USA/NL), Rogerio (Brazil/Germany), Pete (USA), John (Egypt), Rosy (Switz-German), Carmen (Romania), Bob (USA), Fernando (Brazil/Spain), Kathy (USA), Mary (Phillippines/Finland), Lisa (USA/Germany), JongHee (Korea/UK), Mirjami (Finland/Hungary), Nic (USA/UK) Corinne (Switz/UK), Sylvain (Switz-Fr)
Pete Sifuentes, one of the "founding fathers" of the School of Worship (Montana, USA) shared his heart with us.
After Kathy and Bob Fitts (founders of the SOW) shared the SOW story with us, we prayed for them and blessed them.

Tho we only had 3 days together, I feel as if the Schools of Worship have been changed... we rediscovered our identity, reaffirmed our purpose and are responding with faith to the future.
We found that we are part of the same "tribe" and are not alone in what God has challenged us to do: "Call the nations to worship God"!

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