Saturday, January 31, 2009

Big brudder

I've been praying alot for my brother, Randy, these days because he is in so much pain from this facial nerve problem. Many of my friends around the world have rallied with us in prayer and he is feeling better - thank You, Lord!
Thinking about my brother I was looking at some old photos... we look pretty angelic here but certainly weren't... yet we survived childhood, made some lasting memories and forged lifelong friendships with one another. Many siblings can't say the same thing but knowing God has made all the difference in the world with the three of us.
I'm so glad I have a big brother and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world!


Anonymous said...

I read Belinda's comments and yes there were times I wondered if the 3 would ever stop arguing with each other and find the love that I knew they had for each other. Well my prayers were answered and my 3 are the best of friends, They all are Christians and follow God's rules. I Thank God every day for showing them how much they can love each other and me.

mamessage said...

Wat een schattige foto's en gelukkig ook mooie herinneringen om te blijven koesteren. Gods zegen lieve Belinda!