Monday, November 17, 2008

Call2Worship+Prayer report

The Call2Worship + Prayer (Nov.10-15, 2008 at YWAM Heidebeek in Holland) was a fantastic feast of fellowship combined with gleaning from in-depth teaching and workshops.

The photo above was taken Tuesday morning when Kees Kraayenoord, a well-known Christian singer and worship leader in Holland, came to teach us on the attitude of Christ in ministry based upon Phil.2:6-11 ("Carmen Christi" - the Song of Christ). Eighteen years earlier Kees had participated in a summer course for worship leaders at the YWAM Heidebeek base and it had been a turning point in his Christian life. Having him teach in the course was like coming full circle and that, in itself, became a challenge and inspiration to his students that morning.

Many other teachers gave of the abundance of their hearts and ministries during the week: Didi Companjen, Marcel Zimmer, Corrie Oosterhuis, Cees + Marry Vork, Nestor Tsala, Inge Reinders, Jan-Hilbert vdWetering, Peter van Essen, Talitha Nawijn, and myself all contributed to the banquet of blessing, investing in the hearts and lives of over 30 participants. Quite a few day-guests were involved throughout the week as well, bringing the grand total to around 40 participants in the second Call2Worship course at YWAM-Heidebeek. The participants included those from traditional church backgrounds (including 2 Dutch pastors), Pentecostal and Evangelical church members as well as YWAMers from Holland, Finland, and the UK.

On Saturday we celebrated with a C2W traditional "Praise Party" in which each participant gave praise to God in creative ways such as: poems, new + old songs, dance, testimonies, and a group using flags to highlight God's multi-faceted character and goodness.

Plans are in the works for Call2Worship courses in Africa, the middle East and Nordic Europe.

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